Monday, July 29, 2013

Week one :)

An exchange year really seems to be like a roller-coaster of feelings and experiences and even after one week I can assure you that! It goes up and down so fast that sometimes I cant follow myself but I think that is maybe how it should be. :)

Like I said everything is new oh wait no actually one thing is exactly the same as home : American Music everywhere ! haha of course...

A week ago I met the first time my host family at the Handing-over-Ceremony organized by AFS and
I am really thankful to have such a wonderful family here, they were so welcoming and make me already feel like a part of them!, I live together with my mom, my abang (older brother), my little sister Kate and nene (grandmother) oh and with the cat Ciki in a big and very cantik( beautiful) house in Seksyen 13 of Shah Alam…
  Fortunately my school will just start next week ( so exited already and hip hip hurray I can wear a school uniform, so awesome!)  and so I spent most of the time at home with learning Malay, reading, swimming and playing or watching TV with Kate.

At the moment is the fasting month Ramadan so the Malay People fast the whole day and eat only after the sunset. Every evening come many neighbours and friends of  Mom to our house to pray and break fast together. I fasted also for two days ( not really because I still drank water) ,but I got a little sick so I had to stop. Almost everyday we go to a special Ramadan market to buy food and this is really an experience! You smell thousands different odors from food you have probably never tasted before, many people, the cries of the marktsellers advertise their wares, it is so colorful! (I m sorry, no pictures) We also visited different malls which are giant in comparison with Swiss shops and  where Mom bought me beautiful new Baju Kurung ( the traditional Malay dress) for Hari Raya. I am already so looking forward to Hari Raya where we will visit all the relatives and neighbours. 

7 Things I learnt this week:

-how to shalam ( the traditional Malay greeting,) and wear the Baju Kurung

- dried little fish tastes actually like crisps and isn’t disgusting at all

-eating with hand isn't that easy how it looks! 

- a few Malay words for example : Saya suka nasi lemak! (I like Coconut rice, I know what an intelligence sentence isn’t it..:) ) 
anyway I cant speak Malay at all but I have to learn it fast because my school will be in bahasa melayu!

-I can count to hundred in bahasa melayu, that deserves an extra line

- the Malay chocolate milk is as good as the Swiss one…
      …and the watches are soo much cheaper too.

- Air Condition and Anti-Mosquito Spray are adorable and do saves lifes ;)

So here we go,  some pictures of the last week.  a few will follow... 
 Sincerely me,  sitting under an air-con :) have a nice week.

Central Market in KL
kinda a multinational picture :D just AFS

over 60 exchange students on one stage :)

with my lovely little sister Kate :) 

PS: I am probably not going to update this blog every week but I try to, I promise.

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